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App built with PB and Appeon Mobile ranks 3rd in Agroton

Congratulations to Techno Campo and Oscar Tobar who, from May 30 to June 1, participated in the 6th edition of Agrotón. The event gathered beginner and expert developers to meet one objective: the creation of a mobile or web application to improve agricultural work in Colombia. Teams had to create an application that met different challenges including: easing access to administration, identifying agricultural diseases, and finding the best raw materials on the market. Each team worked during a day and a half in order to propose and develop prototypes for each issue.

Oscar Tobar, regular presenter on PowerBuilder TV, worked with Julian Lopez (Developer) and Omar Pinillos (UI Designer) on an application that can identify different agricultural epidemics. The team, called Techno Campo, developed an application in PB 12.5 called Dr. Agro. This application, based on PowerBuilder and Appeon technology, has a user-friendly interface and can be used on mobile devices to identify anytime and anywhere possible agricultural diseases.

On June 1, the best 30 teams were rewarded. Having ranked third, TechnoCampo received funding to work on their prototype. They will also have the chance to introduce Dr. Agro during the SAP Code-Jam in Colombia on June 26 followed by a chance to appear at the SAP D-Code event in Las Vegas, next October.

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