The first webcast of September 2019 - 'Automate the Tests of your Web UI' was presented by Brian Le Suer - CEO of Zeenyx Software. This PBTV webcast demonstrated how to simplify the test creation with a step-based approach, maximizing reusability and minimizing test maintenance.
Webcast Details:
Tuesday, September 12, 2019 | at 10:00 AM EDT (New York) / 16H00 CET (Paris)
This webcast put forward the demonstration of AscentialTest, a comprehensive test automation solution for Web, .Net and PowerBuilder applications.
You will learn how to simplify the test creation with a step-based approach, maximizing reusability and minimizing test maintenance. Lastly, after a high-level presentation, you will also explore some advanced features offered by AscentialTest as well.
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