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Elevate 2019 Recap PowerBuilder Seminar in Firenze (Florence, Italy)

PowerBuilder User Regional Seminar 2019 will be held on 18th & 19th November 2019 at ARS HOTELS, Vie della Scala in Firenze (Florence). This seminar will focus on the new features and roadmaps to PowerBuilder 2019 with technical presentations. 

Here is a brief description released for both days of the event:

18 November - Technical demos:

  1. Rapidly Embracing an API World with DataWindow Technology by Marco Meoni
  2. New PowerScript Features in PowerBuilder 2019 R2 & R3 by Armeen Mazda
  3. Rapidly Modernizing Your UI & Deploying to the Cloud by Marco Meoni
  4. Latest features for PB companion tools by Christophe Dufourmantelle, Novalys CEO including how to:
    • Generate E/R Diagrams from PB and DB code. 
    • Add modern Charts, Dashboards and Drill-down features to your PB UI. 
    • Testing Automation for PB 2019 and Strong Authentication for PB apps.


19 November - Training sessions:

  1. C# for PowerBuilder developers: a gentle introduction 
  2. PowerServer 2020 sneak peek
  3. C# Web Services Development with SnapDevelop
  4. C# REST API and PowerServer 2020 integration 

Read the complete itinerary of the recap Italian regional seminar event on Softpi for more details.

Code Analysis

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AscentialTest Automated Software Testing

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