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New Tutorial for Automatic Code Documentation

Learn how to generate code documentation detailing objects and dependencies. Create a complete reference manual for maintenance or knowledge transfer purposes.

The documentation can be scheduled and dropped off to a shared location, providing your team with up-to-date information on a regular basis 

This documentation can cover both front-end and back-end in the case of applications combining PowerBuilder, Oracle or SQL Server stored procedures.  

Visual Expert can also generate a code review report that will help developers find and address maintainability, performance, and security issues in the code.


A new Visual Expert tutorial is available to guide for generating your code documentation.  

You will learn how to: 

  • Choose code review or source code documentation
  • Schedule the documentation generation
  • Adjust its content, select the information you’re interested in
  • Customize the layout and the language of the end result

Read the step-by-step tutorial to automatically generate the documentation of your PowerBuilder, Oracle, and SQL Server code using Visual Expert.

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