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AscentialTest 9.6 Available | PowerBuilder Testing Tool

The Automated Testing Tool - AscentialTest 9.6 is available with new features for testing PowerBuilder Applications and Desktop Cloud applications along with the enhancements for ease of use.  

 Below is a rundown of the key testing features integrated with AT 9.6

  1. For PB Desktop Applications
  • Ability to recognize and manipulate PB Objects for automated testing
  • Support for PowerBuilder 64 Bits applications
  • Support for applications embedding a Chrome-based Web Browser Control (CEF - Chrome Embedded Framework) 
  1. For PB Web Applications
  • Support for PB applications deployed on the web with Appeon PowerServer 
  1. For Desktop Cloud Applications
  • Ability to call REST Web Services 
  1. User Guidance
  • International keyboard runtime support.
  • A ‘New Project’ wizard assists the user when creating a test project: configuration of the application profile and installation of browser extensions. It also helps to configure the target computer and guide users for taking snapshots, capturing object definitions, and starting the application before running tests. 

Automated testing is recommended for PB apps as it is usually data-centric, rich in UI, and capable of generating ample testing scenarios. The software testing professionals can just define a series of manipulation, which the tool executes automatically as often as required. As a result, they get better test coverage, fewer regression bugs, and much better testing productivity. 


QA professionals can manipulate AscentialTest in the following ways:

  • Create tests by pointing & clicking on PB objects
  • Run or schedule tests as often as they need
  • Generate test reports and find regression bugs
  • Re-use most of their tests when the application changes. 

Most test automation tools face difficulties handling PB applications, failing to analyze DataWindows and their inner structure. The other tools suggest writing custom code, to recognize rows based on column values. The quality assurance in both cases is poor. 


AscentialTest can perform automated testing on all Windows, desktop, and web applications including: 

  • PowerServer Web applications 
  • PowerBuilder desktop and desktop Cloud apps
  • .Net web and desktop
  • Java applications
  • Any Web technology: Ajax, Angular, etc.
  • Terminal Based applications (IBM 3270, etc.)
  • Any databases, PDF files, XML 


About AscentialTest:

AscentialTest offers a unique combination of Object-Based and zero-coding Test Automation. Tests do not rely on screen recordings but rather on application objects. The innovative approach of AscentialTest addresses the recurring issues of automated and manual testing, making tests as easy to maintain as they are to create. 


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Code Analysis

Explore & Understand complex code Evaluate the impact of a change. Improve PB and Database Code.

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Visual Guard

Application Security

Control Access to Sensitive Data.
Monitor Audit application Security.
Send notifications on suspicious events.

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AscentialTest Automated Software Testing

Automated Testing

The ONLY testing tool fully supporting
PowerBuilder Datawindows and Objects.

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