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Generate CRUD Matrix using Visual Expert [Updated Tutorial]

Visual Expert analyzes CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in PowerBuilder, Oracle, and SQL Server code to let developers visualize which objects (procedures, functions, etc.) are using which table, and how.   

Here are the updates announced by Visual Expert in 2019 for analyzing CRUD operations:

July 2019 Update
It is now possible to select procedures or functions to generate a CRUD matrix, to show which tables they are using, and how they access them. Until now, it was only possible to select tables, to show the objects using them. Basically, it now works both ways.

December 2019 Update
Until now, the CRUD matrix displayed CRUD operations on selected tables, columns, procedures, and functions. It is now possible to generate a CRUD matrix on table synonyms to show the objects using them.


By analyzing CRUD operations, you can:

  • Review high-level references between database and code. 
  • Design and update your database schema.
  • Estimate the complexity of your code, and the effort to maintain it.
  • Identify tables never updated, tables deleted by multiple programs, etc.

Read the Updated Tutorial by Visual Expert for generating CRUD matrix and learn how to perform the above-mentioned tasks with one click. 

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