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Find Slowest SQLs Accessing a Table | Visual Expert

Visual Expert introduces a new macro ‘Slowest SQLs using this table’ to find out which SQL queries take longer to execute in your code.

With this macro, the PowerBuilder, Oracle, and SQL Server developers can identify the slower performing SQLs to improve the overall performance of code.  

The slow queries affecting DB response times identified by DBA tools often become useless for developers when they cannot locate the origin of this query in code. Hence, the poor-performing SQLs remain unchanged in the code.  


find slowest sqls using a table in pb oracle sql server code


Visual Expert combines the SQL execution statistics from the database with a static code analysis to enable developers to easily pinpoint the procedures or functions where the SQL should be improved. 

Read this tutorial by Visual Expert to finding slowest SQLs accessing a table in PowerBuilder, Oracle, or SQL Server code with a few clicks.

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