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"I am trying to connect to a Vertex tax database using PowerBuilder 11.1 and am having problems with the following code.
I think I am connecting correctly since the return codes for ls_status_text = loo_xmlhttp.StatusText is 200 and ll_status_code = loo_xmlhttp.Status is OK.
When I get the return value from the ls_response_text = loo_xmlhttp.ResponseText code the return value is the MOTW message."

Read more about the problem on StackOverFlow

"This article provides a means of automating the sorting of DataWindows... not just grid DataWindows as discussed in last month's article, but all DataWindows, regardless of display format.

We have several action items to implement:

  • Do the housekeeping to get an application going
  • Create a window for sorting. We must open this window with an argument of the DataWindow to sort.
  • Interact with the user and sort the DataWindow... "

Read more on this Sys-con article by Richard Brooks

Are you creating a security system for a SaaS application? This article is here to help! It lists the important questions to ask from the beginning of your project to avoid security breaches or functional limitations that will hold you back later.
This article lists the technical and functional specifications allowing you to attain strength and flexibility. It will help you conceptualize the security of your SaaS application, taking into account important constraints from the beginning of your project. You will thus be able to cover short terms needs, while at the same time anticipation any future evolutions necessary to the development of your business.

Read the rest of the article here

Check out more information on Saas control using Visual Guard

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AscentialTest Automated Software Testing

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