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"...here is the code to send sms through PB application .... but before you execute the code, make it sure that your GSM modem or Mobile set (which can be act as GSM modem) attached to the PC is working and installed properly...."

Check out other options for sending a SMS in French at Donf!

 Code: pb
integer li_FileNum
string mobileNumber
string Smsmessage
string comPort
string szEnd
string szCommand

mobilenumber = txtmobilenumber.text
Smsmessage = txtmessage.text
comPort = txtComPort.text
szEnd = char(26)

li_FileNum = FileOpen(comPort, TextMode!,Write!,LockWrite!,Append!)
if li_FileNum > 0 then 
  FileWriteEx(li_FileNum, "AT+CMGF=1")
  FileWriteEx(li_FileNum, "~n~r")
  szCommand = "AT+CMGS="
  szCommand += "~""+mobilenumber+"~""
  FileWriteEx(li_FileNum, szCommand)
  FileWriteEx(li_FileNum, "~r")
  FileWriteEx(li_FileNum, Smsmessage)
  FileWriteEx(li_FileNum, szEnd)
  MessageBox("Sms Application" , "Sms sent successfully....")
  txtmobilenumber.text = ""
  txtmessage.text = ""
  MessageBox("Sms Application" , "Unable to open comport....")
end if


Getting Down with .NET In-Depth Review of .NET Language Enhancements

Date: Thursay January 12th at 11am EST (New York) / 17h00 CET (Paris)

As a .NET language, PowerBuilder 12 supports the Microsoft Common Language Specification (CLS.) We'll review the CLS, learn how to utilize external .NET resources, how to create .NET Consumer Role compatible applications using the PowerBuilder 12 Classic IDE, and how to create .NET compatible extenders using the PowerBuilder .NET IDE.

Click here to register

How to migrate your PowerBuilder Applications? - in French

Date: Thursday January 19th at 11am EST (New York) / 17h00 CET (Paris)

What are the advantages of migrating to PB 12.x Classic and PB 12.x .NET? What are the costs and difficulties related to migration? To learn step by step how to migrate your applications and in order to answer any question you may have, join us January 19, 2012 on PowerBuilderTV.

Click here to 'inscrire'

"I'm working on a legacy PowerBuilder app, we have upgraded to PowerBuilder 12 but continue to use the "classic" IDE..I have started using expressions on the Protect and Background...The trouble is, for reasons that I am having a hard time pinning down, these expressions are sometimes causing the aforementioned row synchronization functionality to fail..."

Get more details on the problem and the solutions on Stackoverflow

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