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The need for training and skills development has never been higher than it is right now and technical staff at all levels realizes that if they want to earn more, then the best way to do so is to learn more. eLear-nIT Training's latest web-based training courses for Sybase professionals everywhere offers a wealth of resources that are fine tuned for the exact needs of contemporary working environments.

Discovery about the relationship between refactoring and a healthy life style
When I first accepted the assignment to write a tutorial about refactoring code, I was sure that refactoring was something that developers did when ?extreme' requirements hit their application. [...] After all, the focus of the assignment was migration to PowerBuilder 12. I perceived refactoring as a bitter pill (radical procedure) that a team had to swallow (perform) when code got too old to stay in its existing form and needed a lobotomy to survive.
PBDJ blog article, by Yakov Werde

A simple right-click in the navigation bar allows the addition of macro extensions. You can choose the macro(s) that you need and thus personalize the Visual Expert graphical interface, without cluttering it up with macros you don't regularly use. The extensions Code Statistics, Check Date Functions and Windows 7 are already released. This list will continue to be extended.

You now have the possibility to organize Visual Expert to get statistical data about PowerBuilder code, list PowerBuilder scripts that use a data manipulation function, or check the compatibility of your system functions and libraries with Windows 7. Read more...

The user interface has been redeveloped to include a new navigation bar, new source code view with tooltips, and over 100 new macros to explore and clean up your code. Try it yourself!

Originally broadcast October 20, 2010

Lors de cette présentation nous utiliserons à titre d'exemple l'application de Microsoft:
? StockTrader ?. Elle est habituellement utilisée pour illustrer les technologies .NET et de serveur d'applications de Microsoft. Avec PowerBuilder 12, Sybase a developpé une application identique pour montrer comment implémenter facilement les mêmes concepts avec la nouvelle version de PB.
Nous répondrons ainsi aux questions suivantes : Qu'est ce que .NET ? Comment développer avec PowerBuilder dans un environnement .NET ? Comment .NET s'intègre avec J2EE et Comment PowerBuilder s'intègre dans J2EE ? PowerBuilder est-il .NET ?

Click here to watch the recorded webinar

Code Analysis

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Visual Guard

Application Security

Control Access to Sensitive Data.
Monitor Audit application Security.
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AscentialTest Automated Software Testing

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The ONLY testing tool fully supporting
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